Friday, November 9, 2012

Fall Forward!

The last few months have been a whirlwind for us here at CDTC.  We submitted our 501 (c) (3) application, launched our facebook page, did volunteer work trips, have been working on various aspects of the new organization, and most recently attended the National Scenic Trails Training Workshop. Its been tremendous the support we continue to receive for our endeavor, especially within and from our brethren in other National Scenic Trails, and it reminds us of how much we love what we're doing.

While at the week long National Scenic Trails Workshop, we joined the staffs of all national scenic trails and our agency leaders to discuss the issues facing our community and start formulating strategies to resolving and addressing them.  We discussed everything from the changing social landscape of our world and how we craft our message to engage more people than ever before, to how are we going to address the many land protection needs facing all of our Trails.  Its an exciting time, but it is alot of work. Its strikes us that we are in a critical moment in the lifetime of our National Trails System, and it requires even more dedication than ever before.

And we know, it's not easy work, but it is noble work, and it is inspiring to know we are apart of a larger community that loves the national scenic trails and is committed to helping the american and international public alike, discover them and fall in love with them as much as we have.  Its an exciting time for sure, but its also a very challenging time too.  With the climate in "Washington"we have a challenge of ensuring legislative support remains high and that includes providing adequate funding for the Trail System as a whole, including funding for the CDNST. With more and more people using our lands, we have the challenge of finding ways that we may all co-exist along and on the CDNST, and find ways we can meet the needs of the Trail and the many needs of many publics.  We have the challenge of launching a new non profit in a time when funding is competitive and we have to find a way to share our compelling mission with new audiences and engage them in a way we never have before. But we also know all of these issues are important and that we are up to the challenge.  And, while we may not have all the answers, we have no doubt that if we involve as many of you as possible, we'll find them.

We are wrapping up our week of training here and as always we have shared our learned lessons as much as learning the lessons learned by others.  All of this is part of our process and its great to be reminded how inspiring it is to be apart of this community and we hope you continue to help us along the way, after all, its your community too!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Have you completed the Continental Divide Trail?

CDT Completion Certificate

Section hikers/riders and thru hikers/riders who complete the CDNST can report their journey to the Continental Divide Trail Coalition by filling out the Continental Divide Trail Completion Form.  CDT thru-hikers/riders who report their adventure along the CDNST will be added to our roster of thru hikers/riders and will receive a certificate of recognition and a CDNST Patch.  Also, each year’s thru hiker roster is published in the March?april newsletter. In order to be included in the magazine, regardless of the year of completion, applications must be sent to CDTC by December 31st of the current year.
  • We give equal recognition to thru hikers/riders and section- hikers/riders.
  • In the event of a trail closure or a safety hazard ( such as washed out bridge, a forest fire, or an impending storm on an exposed ridge) of the “official route” hikers may take alternate routes ( including by vehicle) and still receive official recognition.
  • In the event users took any number of alternate routes available, users will still receive official recognition, as is the motto: hiker your own hike!
  • We operate on the honor system.
  • We recognize users regardless of sequence, direction, speed, or whether they carry a pack, or any variation of their hike.
Complete Official CDTC Completion Certificate Form and include $5.00 for shipping and handling of patch and certificate.CDT Completion Form

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The CDNST Experience

As stated in the CDNST Comprehensive Plan, “the nature and purposes of the Continental Divide National Scenic Trail are to provide for high quality, scenic, primitive hiking and horseback-riding, non-motorized recreational experiences and to conserve natural, historic, and cultural resources along the Continental Divide.”  As stated in the CDNST Study Report (page 14)  One of the primary purposes for establishing the Continental Divide National Scenic Trail would be to provide hiking and horseback access to those lands where man's impact on the environment has not been adverse to a substantial degree and where the environment remains relatively unaltered. Therefore, the protection of the land resource must remain a paramount consideration in establishing and managing the trail and its corridor. There must be sufficient environmental controls to assure that the values for which the trail is established are not jeopardized ”.

Some general findings from the CDNST Study Report that assist in describing these terms include:
a)     “Designation and establishment of a 3,100 mile Continental Divide Trail…would provide the American people with recreational opportunities of national significance and that trail users would wind their way through some of the most spectacular scenery in the United States and have an opportunity to enjoy a greater diversity of physcial and natural qualities than found on any other extended trail.” (Study Report; page 4)
b)    The Study Report also “advocates that the most minimal development standards consistent with these circumstances be employed..the trail should be regarded as a simple facility for the hiker-horseman.” (Study Report; page 8)
c)     The Study Report describes the trail experience as an “intimate one, where one can walk or ride horseback across vast fields of wildflowers and contemplate a story dating from the dawn of earth’s history…along the way the tranquility of the alpine meadows, verdent forests and semi—desert landscape overwhelms anyone who passes that way. The Trail would provide the traveler his best encounter with the Continental Divide—its serenity and pure air—and would supply for every trail traveler some of the world’s most sublime scenes.” (Study Report; page 18)
The Study Report further identifies the significant qualities, characteristics and trail opportunities of the proposed CDNST in five representative segments on pages 20-52.  Excerpts include:

1.     Scenic Qualities: Spectacular Scenery of the quality and magnitude along the proposed CDT route is not available anywhere in the Continental United States. The trail traverses a variety of terrain, including high desert, forests, geologic formations, and mountain meadows.  Flora abounds in the near views, while distant views of major valleys and maintain peaks are exceptional.  (Study Report page 98)
2.     Cultural Qualities: There are significant segments of the trail and adjacent trails that were used by early-day Indians, ancient cliff-dwelling tribes, Spanish explorers and mountain men in their travels within and through the Continental Divide area.  Little visible evidence is left of these activities; however, through interpretative signing, trail users will be alerted to the cultural significance of the area. (Study Report page 101)
3.     Historic Qualities: Many signs of historical activity are within the vicinity of the trail and throughout its entire length. Thus, any person visiting the area may have some advance knowledge of the historical significance of the area to make the visit more meaningful. (Study Report page 103)
4.     Natural Qualities: The “visitor” of the proposed route of the CDNST would encounter a great variety of terrain, geology, climate, and plant and animal life.  This would include the unique and unusual character of Glacier, Yellowstone and the Rocky Mountain National Parks and the back-country solitude of 16 (now 25) National Forest Wilderness and primitive Areas, as well as the living quality of the Red Desert of Wyoming.  Certain plants, trees, and animals that may be observed along the Trail are unique to the area traversed.  (Study Report page104, as modified)

Pulling all of this together, CDTC defines the CDNST Experience as a continuous trail in nature from the Mexico-New Mexico Border to Montana–Canada Border for travel primarily by hikers and equestrians through the wild, scenic, forested, desert and culturally significant lands of the Rocky Mountains.  It is usually a simple path, purposeful in direction and concept, favoring the Continental Divide and located for minimum construction to protect the resource. The body of the Trail is the lands it traverses and its soul is in the living stewardship of the volunteers and workers of the Trail community.

CDTC is working to develop and encourage consistent management direction for the CDNST across differ­ent administrative unit boundaries. We utilize the direction as expressed by the CDNST Comprehensive Plan as our baseline and final word because we feel it offers all administrative units responsible for managing the Trail and its corridor the necessary information and direction to fulfill the intent of the National Trail System Act and ensures consistent administrative treatment and protection of the Trail’s recreational, natural, and cultural resources.

A Vision for the Continental Divide National Scenic Trail

CDTC promotes the following vision for the CDNST Corridor:

Views from the CDNST are predominantly wide-ranging and grand in nature.  The trail offers a diversity of topography and a variety of vegetation and animal life exposing the user to the entire range of land forms, water features, history, and uses of the land that are found along the Rocky Mountain Region.  The corridor appears natural to the visitor and is characterized by a range of ecological life zones.

This special area retains a natural healthy forested and alpine landscape character shaped by both natural processes and humans. Visitors will experience diversity of native plant and animal species. This corridor traverses a range of Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (ROS) classes. The CDNST setting will either be consistent with or complement the primitive and semi-primitive non-motorized ROS Class. Careful trail design will allow for an appearance of a more primitive setting than the recreation opportunity spectrum would predict.  The linear nature of the corridor is recognized in determining the ROS class.  Roads, utility corridors, or signs of mineral development may be seen, yet they remain visually subordinate.

An atmosphere of self-reliance and respect for CDNST values is fostered and all activities in the Special Area are designed to maintain or enhance the CDNST experience.

CDNST desired conditions should include a “recreation experience not materially different in quality than that extended by a bona fide hiking and equestrian trail and one that is”:
1.     quiet
2.     in a wild and primitive setting
3.     with a natural surface single track (18-36 inches wide)
4.     harmonizes and compliments the surrounding landscapes
5.     travel is at a slow pace

Furthermore, CDTC hopes all activities along the CDNST are only approved when they achieve the following:

  1. serve to protect the significant experiences and features that exist along the CDNST
  2. establish the best location for a non-motorized CDNST through the most primitive, scenic, diverse and undeveloped landscapes on or near the CDNST that will provide a wide range of experiences and challenges
  3. allow for existing trails to be considered for the final CDNST route so long as they are non-motorized and meet the nature and purpose for a National Scenic Trail
  4. foster communication, participation and partnership along the CDNST
  5. require monitoring and evaluation of the conditions on and around the CDNST
  6. assure proper and sensitive standards pertaining to establishment, operation and maintenance of the trail. 
  7. they would provide common objectives and means to coordinate the efforts of many agencies and interests having responsibility for implementation.” (Study Report; page 5)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Trail Serendipty!

We had a great day today, and it was so great, that we just wanted to share with you our experience because it reminded us in the most glorious way, just how important the Trail is, and why we are working to build a strong foundation for CDTC so that we may be here for the Trail and for you, for many tomorrows to come.

Yesterday we received a call from a hiker along the Colorado Trail who needed a ride from Breckenridge, CO back onto the CT near CDTC's "headquarters".  We obliged and arranged to meet "True" this morning and help her get back on the Trail.  Along the way we discovered she had reached out to CDTC, very early on in our endeavor to build the organization, that she was a "triple crowner", she completed her CDT hike in 2006, and she knew some of our advisory committee members from long distance hiking.

It was great to connect with "True" and it was a pleasant reminder of how lucky and privileged we are to live in a country were we set aside such special places for recreation, and because of these places we have a chance to share moments with people we'd most likely never ever meet, and how we can inspire each other, bring a smile to someone's face, share support and compassion, and in a period of 30 minutes or so, share our life stories with a complete stranger like they were a long lost relative.  How cool is that!

Of course these interactions and moments happen all the time on the Trail, and usually in the middle of the most remote sections at some random moment when you need it most.  I mean how many times if we had turned left versus right on the Trail or camped in one spot  versus another, we would have missed an interaction with someone who impacts us in such a profound way, that we spend the next two hours swapping stories and information like we've known each other for ever?   And, how funny is it that in our "real" and daily lives where most of us live in close proximity to large populations of people, we travel in and around those people every day and all day long, we barely know our neighbors?

It was encouraging to hear how happy True was that we were building the CDTC and that she wanted to help us make it a success.  We know that's how many of you feel, and as we told "True",  her voice, like your voice, is very important to us, and it was great to hear that support in person.   We are building the CDTC for this reason, so that we all form a common voice that helps us protect the this American treasure an legacy and help share how special the Trail is so that it can continue to inspire us, empower us, and provide us a place to get away from all the noise of our daily lives, even just for a moment, and reconnect to the most important things we have around us: our selves, our land, and each other.  Thanks True, for sharing your thoughts with us today, for your support, and for your enthusiasm and passion for the CDT!  We hope you have a great hike on the Colorado Trail, and we hope to see you soon back on the CDT!

We hope we get to meet all of you someday while out on the Trail in one of those great unpredictable moments, until then, many happy Trails and many happy moments of serendipitous trail connections!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

When the Rock starts to go, the Roll just picks up~

Movement.  Its what happens when energy that has been lying dormant begins to transform into motion! And motion seems to be the word of the first few days of August, or so it seems.  Earlier this month we were fortunate to have a mention the High Country News, which sparked lots of interest in CDTC, and this week we have released our Logo and launched our facebook page!  An exciting time for sure. While we have yet to make a "formal" announcement, by design, we are busily working on the nuts and bolts of CDTC so that when the time is right, and we officially launch our efforts, we do so with the best foot forward! Keep checking back as much more still to come, but we continue to appreciate all of the support and great feedback we have been receiving.

Until then, feel free to check out our facebook page:  Continental Divide Trail Coalition facebook page  

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Its official, the Movement has begun!

We have been lucky enough to have High Country News writer Emily Guerin, write a quick snippet on our behalf!  Check it out!  More to come, so stay tuned.....

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Volunteers Needed on the Continental Divide Trail in New Mexico

There is still time to register for New Mexico CDT  projects.  We need you!
Listed below are the three projects scheduled and approved by the Forest Service for the month of August, 2012, in the Carson  National Forest.  
            Canjilon Lakes I   August 17-19
            Canjilon Lakes II   August 19-24
            Canjilon Lakes III  August 26-31
Projects are FREE of charge and meals are provided by experienced Volunteer Cooks.   A professional Crew Leader will  line out the work and help with tools, safety gear and group necessities.  Just bring your own camping gear (tent, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, personal items, fishing pole) and a willingness to help out. There’s something for everyone. 
For project details, registration forms and gear lists, contact:  Doug Pushard or Faith Garfield,  505-982-5947  for any questions, encouragement, and enthusiastic support 
Thank you for helping to complete the Continental Divide Trail from Mexico to Canada.

Friday, June 22, 2012

We're Official!

Its official, we're official!  On June 14, 2012,  we submitted our Articles of Incorporation to the State of Colorado, and as of Monday, June 18, 2012, we were an organization in "good standing" with the State of Colorado.  We also have a Federal ID Number, and this allows us to now begin to pull together our application to become a 501 (c) 3 Organization!  We'll keep you posted on our progress and look forward to sharing with you all more details as we have them on joining the Coalition!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

What is in a name?

A name is that by which something or someone is referred in its simplest form and in grander schemes it defines who or what we are.  The name of our organization is the Continental Divide Trail Coalition. But what does this mean or how does this define us?

The first part of our name is Continental Divide Trail, and the last part of our name is Coalition.  

If the first part of our name reflects the unique identifier that sets us apart from everyone else, then it is the Continental Divide National Scenic Trail that defines us.  As simple as it may seem,  its about the Trail.  This is our guiding principle. The Continental Divide National Scenic Trail (CDNST) is paramount above all else, and what is best for the Trail, is best for the CDTC, and everyone who is touched by the Trail.

The second part of our name is Coalition, and this could be said to reflect what tribe we belong to.   But what does this mean?  If a coalition is an organized alliance of people or groups who have come together for the purpose of accomplishing a goal that is common to all parties involved, while still maintaining their own separate identity, then we are an association of people and groups that have come together for the benefit of the Continental Divide Trail.

But why the name Coalition?

Coalitions are described in two ways. They may be loose associations in which members work for a short time to achieve a specific goal, and then disband or, as in the case of the CDTC,  they may be organizations in themselves, with governing bodies, particular community responsibilities, funding structures, and permanence. And coalitions exist to create and/or support efforts to reach a particular set of goals.

In our case we are building a movement of people to come together, to form a community, to benefit the CDNST.  This means to help organize the “sweat equity” required to build it and keep it maintained, to create the awareness and concern to ensure that its corridor is protected in a way that allows us all to have meaningful experiences on it, and to increase the awareness of the Trail itself to ensure that everyone has the right information about how to use it, how to access it, and that information is reliable! But we are also building an inclusive community that reaches out to traditional and not so traditional partners. 

Coalitions often contain these elements:
1.     The desire to influence or develop public policy, usually around a specific issue
2.     Changing people's behavior
3.     Building a healthy community

CDTC agrees completely with these three elements and as we further build upon our vision we hope 
you will help us strengthen these elements!

Coalitions are formed to do the following:
1.     To address an urgent situation
2.     To empower elements of the community - or the community as a whole - to take control of its future
3.     To actually obtain or provide services
4.     To bring about more effective and efficient delivery of programs and eliminate any unnecessary duplication of effort
5.     To design, obtain funding for, and run the needed programs and services surrounding their common goal
6.     Gather all the players concerned about the issue together to achieve a more cohesive and comprehensive impact
7.     To fill in the gaps where resources are needed
8.     To increase communication among groups and break down stereotypes
9.     To revitalize the sagging energies of members of groups who are trying to do too much alone.
10. To plan and launch community-wide initiatives on a variety of issues.

We think the above list reflects our goals pretty well, in fact here are our specific goals as outlined above:
1.     CDTC's primary goal is to ensure the CDNST is connected, protected and promoted today and for future generations. 
2.     CDTC is building the organization for the many voices who care about the Trail to help shape and engage in its stewardship.
3.     Through CDTC's efforts and responding to the needs of our members, we want to be the clearinghouse of all information regarding the Trail, volunteer opportunities, trail information, and trail protection efforts.
4.     Through CDTC's efforts we hope to gather all those concerned about the CDNST together so we maximize and leverage our partnerships in ways that allow for greater reach and success for not only stewardship efforts, but for getting people excited about and out using the CDNST! 
5.     CDTC is working to raise the funds necessary to support not only our efforts, but those of our partners, so we can continue to build a strong, sustainable future as the lead national private partner for the CDNST.
6.     By following the steps of sister Trail organizations like the Pacific Crest Trail Association (PCTA) and Appalachian Trail Conservancy (ATC), CDTC is working to establish and nurture a cooperative management system, where we will bring individuals together in order to have the necessary resources to accomplish together what we cannot alone.
7.     Where partners don’t exist, CDTC is working to facilitate their creation or discovery, by reaching outside our traditional recreational communities, and searching within communities such as municipalities and local governments, that have never been tapped before.
8.     CDTC is working to bring together groups and individuals from many sectors of the community so we can create strong alliances and that by working together toward common goals we can help people break down barriers and preconceptions, and learn to trust one another.
9.     CDTC is working to create, cultivate and solidify a community to bolster efforts around any trail need or issue so that together with the addition of other hands to the task, we create a tremendous source of new energy and hope, not just for the issue but for the Trail itself.
10. Finally, CDTC is working to create the opportunity for a unified community that will advocate for the Trail more effectively than a number of disparate groups and individuals working alone. And bring to bear political pressure from all sectors of the community, and wield a large amount of political power focused on the future of the Trail.

We all know that real change usually takes place over a period of time through people gaining trust, sharing ideas, and getting beyond their preconceptions to the real issues underlying community needs. CDTC, is building and nurturing a structure of cooperation among diverse groups and individuals and has a problem-solving focus, serves to ease the process of change in our Trail community so not only is the Trail here today, but for generations to come.

We know CDTC has to be here for as long as the Trail exists to provide the “space” for all the various communities and partners to connect. And, as a coalition, CDTC will build a culture of flexibility to create opportunities for community connection along the Trail that exist as long as they are needed or desired.  The partnerships may be surrounding one or two specific events, issues, or goals, and they may be temporary or last as long as the CDNST’s lifetime, either way, CDTC will stand proud and sustainable so that these relationships both with  CDTC and with in CDTC and its partners will always exist and prosper.  

So that’s it, that's how we came to be called the Continental Divide Trail Coalition.   As we grow to not only represent our name, but continue to evolve, we hope you’ll join us and help us represent the best we have to offer not just for the Coalition, but for the Continental Divide National Scenic Trail.

(many of these are excerpts and were adapted from the Community Tool box-, thank you community tool box for providing such great guidance!)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

We're starting a movement

 So you might be wondering why this, of all things would be our first blog post. Well, frankly, we weren't really sure how to start, and then we watched this and we realized it was was time to take the chance and hope that you might join us. We hope that you might bring your energy, your ideas, your passion for the Continental Divide National Scenic Trail and help us start a movement that brings us all together to celebrate, share, and build the foundations of a community that supports what could be called one of the greatest conservation projects of our generation. And the time is now.

The newly formed Continental Divide Trail Coalition realizes that you might not be ready for us, but the Trail is.  The Trail needs us to start a movement on its behalf.  It needs us to start a movement that engages everyone on all levels, from all backgrounds, from all over the planet to ensure that it is recognized and appreciated for the amazing resource it is, and that we announce to the world it is important to us. But we can't do this alone, we need you to be a part of it.

A movement is defined as a diffusely organized or heterogeneous group of people or organizations tending toward or favoring a generalized common goal. Our Goal, connecting all of us to each other, to  the land, but most importantly, to the Trail itself.

We want to share with you the opportunity to help us shape this movement, help us build this movement, and more importantly, help us LEAD this movement. We need you to give us our voice and help us learn how to follow. Like a good friend of ours reminded us recently, the Trail is about a "right of passage", we happen to agree, and the past has brought us to the point where we are ready to cross that threshold into a new future. We hope you'll take this journey with us. Look for more blogs in the coming days, weeks, and months that will give you more details about us, about how to join us, and participate in this movement, and help us be more than a one nut, but a whole bunch of them who are crazy about the Continental Divide National Scenic Trail.